If a super-bubble has exploded than the pattern for the future is already set. There will be a super financial crash, which means house prices and investment schemes will nose dive into the ground creating a financial crater. This could mean 40-50% drops in house prices. This will mean at the bottom of the dive, things will actually be undervalued- this is the point of recovery as those in a position to do so start snapping up bargains and give stimulus to the next paradigms growth.
It is quite possible that all hell is about to break loose over the next several days/weeks or months. Like all bubbles- it is always the people at the bottom of the money pyramid that are the worse affected. If this is a super-bubble than it is going to affect a super amount of people. Once the effects are felt in people's personal lives- an explosion of emotions could result in unpredictable consequences. A state of emergency might be overstating the case but with our national debt in the red alert category we have probably entered it already. Denial is a common human reaction to having to face the unthinkable. The unthinkable and the unsinkable have one thing in common- there is no such thing.