Just to elaborate (Denise ((hi))) on my situation. I spent an afternoon in hospital getting rehydrated after a six day food poisoning incident which limited my movements to hotel rooms and public toilets. This just happened to coincide with my mother coming to join us for a few days. She wanted to join us for a few days so she could go to Mount Ebo and stand where Moses stood as the promise land was revealed to him. She came, she saw, she criticised my life and she went.
Now I have recovered from my food poisoning. However a new situation has arisen. I am in a hotel in a town I do not know the name of yet. Paul and I had an argument and now he has left me with only a few items-the clothes I am wearing, my laptop, my empty wallet and I hope he left my passport at reception (which I plan to check once I have had a cup of tea). I need to buy a jumper. He has all my money in his account which we transferred to one source for ease of paying bills etc.
So the game has been set- drink some tea, find my passport, get some money, buy a jumper, find out the name of the town, work out how I get back to London and then work out where am I going to live becuase I rented my flat out for two months which does not expire for two more weeks.
Life's a Game. Let's see how I get on?