Monday 12 January 2009

Turkish Bath

I have just been foamed up and bathed by a big hairy semi-naked turk. I dont think I will ever be the same person again.


Denise said...

well as you know I am no expert about photoshop, so I can only do basic stuff. To improve colour and contrast, just go to 'Image' and then 'adjustments'. You can do wonders by using the tools over there. Otherwise, I love your perspective and composition

Denise said...

Oh yes, and by the way, you do look traumatised

Peter Alfrey said...

dad says what a couple of shmoks

Peter Alfrey said...

How dıd Dad say what a couple of shmoks- I dıdnt wrıte that- I dont get blogger. Thıs ıs really me- the entry above ıs an ımposter;-)